I Am the Fated Villain

I Am the Fated Villain – Chapter 855, Truly Everlasting Beings Who Have Transcended, Legitimising the Divine Empire

| I Am the Fated Villain |

Translator: Fate

Translation Checker: Silavin


Out of all the multitude of True Worlds, the Radiant Yang True World was considered one of the most powerful among them.


It had birthed truly Everlasting Beings who had transcended past the Immortal Realm, a Transcendent.


Across the countless epochs, many True Worlds fell into decline and were ruined as a result of Tribulations and calamities. Engulfed by time and erased from existence, they were nothing more than scattered ruins of ancient worlds now.


The legacies of many True Worlds had been lost and buried in the ancient epochs, never to be seen off or heard of again. They were gone without a trace.


Lightning would wane and time would come to an end someday, but there were True Worlds who never lost their legacies or fell into decline.


As an ancient and everlasting True World among all the other True Worlds, the Radiant Yang True World was renowned across the Boundless Expanse.


Even supreme experts who were powerful enough to traverse the Boundless Expanse would show great respect at the mention of the Radiant Yang True World. They dared not offend those from the True World.


The Universe Destroyer Residence was one of the most powerful Forces in the Radiant Yang True World.


Others that ranked alongside it included the World Creation Palace, Cave of Rebirth, Serene Peak, and more. Their heritage could be traced back to the founding of the True World.


These Forces could very well be home to the earliest of all existence, who were slumbering away after using certain means to avoid the decay of life.


These unfathomable experts were able to escape the five decays, the nine decays and even greater Immortal Decays.


“Lady Ah Man took nine lives to pass this trial. Compared to your other children, Master, she cannot be considered fast. The other Young Masters and Ladies were able to mount a resistance within the first few lives in preparation for their future lives. Lady Ah Man was the only one who took nine lives to do so. In terms of aptitude, she seems to be below average. I suspect that she was able to pass the trial so quickly in this life mainly because of luck. Perhaps she came across some kind of fortuitous opportunity.”


The elderly servant by the palace entrance gave a summary of the situation and provided his own deduction.


“That is indeed possible.” The middle-aged man nodded lightly, though his expression remained cold. “It doesn’t matter if it had been due to luck or an opportunity. Whatever she achieves is also part of her strength. As long as she passes the final trial, there’s no reason why she can’t take over the Universe Destroyer Residence in the future.”


The middle-aged man’s domineering tone left no room for dispute, and after hearing that, the old man outside the palace smiled weakly.


That was not what he was worried about.


Even if Ah Man did manage to pass the final trial, it seemed unrealistic for her to become the Successor of the Universe Destroyer Residence based on that alone.


In fact, it was impossible.


Far too many people had their eyes on that position.


The other Young Masters and Ladies had the support of their Families’ power, as well as an abundance of resources.


Ah Man was the only one who was alone. No one even knew who her birth Mother was.


This was a monumental secret that no one dared to seek answers for.


When the elderly servant’s Master brought Ah Man back, he simply said that she was his Illegitimate Daughter who had been left outside. He did not speak of her birth Mother at all.


In this ruthless fight to become the future Successor of the Universe Destroyer Residence, it was safe to say that Ah Man did not stand a chance at all.


“The Great Purge is soon upon us. I can sense that the other True Worlds are already making their move. The Ephemeral Yin True World will certainly not forego this chance of becoming the sole True World left between us…”


The middle-aged man inside the palace did not care about the old servant’s concerns. His piercing gaze was as deep as the starry universe as he mumbled about a different matter.


Once the Great Purge arrives, it was not just all of Heaven that would be swept up in it. Even the Boundless Expanse could not escape, and many of the supreme experts hidden there would be cleaned up as well.


Despite being ancient and powerful, the Radiant Yang True World could not underestimate this round of the Great Purge. They did not know if this Tribulation would be initiated and overseen by those from the Source Realm.


If the anomaly spoken of in legends did happen, perhaps a world-ending purge might occur and the terrifying beings from the Source Realm could return.


That would be an overwhelming and horrifying nightmare for every single True World.



Right then, over at the Source World of the Mountains and Oceans True World, which was also the Upper Realm.


Gu Changge appeared deep within the Divine Empire. Although he spent quite some time in that Lower Realm World where Ah Man was, only a few hours had passed in the Upper Realm.


The two worlds were on different levels, so naturally, time flowed differently too.


“It doesn’t seem like I need to oversee anything in the Divine Empire. I really have nothing to worry about with Mingkong, Chuchu, and Yin Mei in charge.”


Gu Changge’s divine sense cloaked over the land. He heard the sonorous chorus of prayers, worship, and rituals all across the world.


Some of the Power of Faith surged like waves, enabling him to clearly see the many sights across the land.


There were divine temples and palaces in each corner that housed statues of him. The offerings of incense continued to blaze unceasingly.


Furthermore, due to the existence of the Divine Empire, order was restored in the Upper Realm. The Forces could not do as they pleased the way they used to in the past. They had to abide by the Divine Empire’s many rules.


Some of the Forces in the furthest universes even had to pay tribute regularly and abide by the orders of the Divine Empire.


The Immortal Selection List lit the fire of hope in many cultivators who were unlikely to reach the Immortal Realm in this lifetime.


In a way, that aided in the stability of the Divine Empire.


Gu Changge was going to wait until the connection between the Upper Realm and the Immortal Domain was firmly reestablished before considering whether he wanted to make the announcement about the Immortal Path. As of now, the Immortal Selection Path and the Immortal Path were both under his control.


Nevertheless, this was simply for the benefit of the growth of the Upper Realm. Once the Immortal Domain was reconnected to the Upper Realm, the two worlds would clash and merge together. Naturally, the average cultivation level of the Upper Realm would be elevated too.


When that happened, even the average Immortals would not be as rare as they were now.


It was unavoidable.


For the time being, there was peace in the Upper Realm. If nothing went wrong, the present balance of power would last for millions of years, and maybe even longer.


However, over at the Immortal Domain, the Other Domain, and even the other True Worlds… There was a lot more trouble to be had.


Gu Changge thought it was necessary for him to find Gu Qingyi. After all, she was the True Spirit of the Mountains and Oceans True World. She was the one who had established the Immortal Palace.


Her presence would legitimise the Divine Empire.


But, before that, Gu Changge decided to settle something else first.


The Sanctum of Destiny was seated on the eastern border of the Divine Empire, near the vast sea of stars. Many islands floated about, surrounded by mist that obscured the area. The place remained awash in cool colours all throughout the year. Light did not reach it.


In the very centre of this region was a large swath of palaces known as the Sacred Sanctum. It was solemn, majestic, and ancient.


A breathtakingly beautiful woman dressed in the white robes of a priestess sat cross-legged within the palace.


She was alone. The place was deserted, with no other figure around, not even a servant.


Her long tresses scattered like a waterfall. Her expression was calm and emotionless. She exuded the aura of someone unaffected by worldly desires. She was like a goddess who came down from Heaven.


She was the Master of this place, the Divine Empire’s High Priestess of Destiny, and the one everyone called Lady Ruoyin.


Gu Changge’s silhouette emerged outside the Sanctum of Destiny and he proceeded to enter.



| I Am the Fated Villain |

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