I Became The Chief Of A Primitive Village

I Became The Chief Of A Primitive Village – Chapter 294, Knock Them Out with a Club 

| I Became The Chief Of A Primitive Village |

Translator: Silavin


Yan Hua blinked her red eyes, looking at the densely packed white balls on the plain.


Standing on her tiptoes, she asked, “Shaman, can we kill some and butcher them before taking the others back?”


The cow horned girl wanted to applying what she had just learned. The Hunting Team had taught her how to butcher prey.


Su Bai shook his head slightly and pondered. “We need to take them back alive, taking back dead ones doesn’t mean much.”


The Hunting Team would hunt enough dried meat to take back. What the Tribe really lacked was live livestock.


“Take them back alive?” Sha Lan widened her blue eyes, doubting for a moment if she had heard correctly.


“Yes. We need to take some back alive.” Su Bai nodded.


“Shaman, though these beasts look docile, we don’t know what they’re really like. Taking them back alive is almost impossible,” Yan Hua, having spent several days at the Hunting Ground, knew not to judge beasts by their appearances alone.


Like when they had seen an adorable raccoon before, but who knew it actually preferred eating Ancient Tree Monkey heads? Such a cute appearance had concealed such fierce hunting instincts. It made everyone feel uneasy.


“Don’t worry about that, I’m just considering how many we can take back…” Su Bai said.


He was already prepared to use his Taming Skill on them. Afterwards, all they needed to do was let the sheep obediently follow them back.


He would like to tame more to take more back, as some would inevitably be lost along the way. He estimated five or six reaching the Tribe would be enough.


Moreover, it would be better if they could ensure having a balanced number of males and females among them. During the long rainy season and snow season, there would be enough time for them to breed.


They would not eat these sheep for a while anyways. To him, these sheep were like seeds.


Yan Hua tugged at her ear and solemnly asked in confirmation. “Shaman, are we really taking them back alive? How will we do it?”


The cow horned girl really did not know how to take these sheep back alive. They were so big. Surely, they could not just tie vines around their heads and drag them back, right? Knock them out with a club? That was even more unrealistic. What if they woke up halfway? Keep knocking them out?


It would take several days to get back to the Tribe. Even if they only knocked them out five or six times a day, the sheep would be dead before they returned to the Tribe.


The sheep horned girl had imagined many methods, but could not think of any feasible way to take them back alive.


“Shaman, I don’t think it’s possible. If we want to take them back alive, they won’t obediently follow us,” Sha Lan also thought it to be unrealistic.


The cat eared girl, like the cow horned girl, started thinking of various methods after hearing about taking them back alive. But in the end, she could only think of one way – having the sheep follow them back obediently, which seemed impossible.


“That’s right, we just need them to obediently follow us back,” Su Bai said with a smile.


He was eager to try. He had not used his Taming Skill on such large beasts in this world before.


“Shaman, do you have a way?” Yan Hua felt like the Shaman was joking.


“Of course, but first, we need to ensure they won’t harm us.” Su Bai did not want to get kicked before even getting close.


Although sheep were very docile animals back on Earth, he could not be sure about prehistoric sheep, especially when they had such strange horns.


“I’ll go! I’ll go!” Yan Hua eagerly ran toward the sheep herd.


*Meow~* Rolly also jumped down from Su Bai’s shoulder, trotting behind the cow horned girl.


“Be careful…” Su Bai wanted to stop her, but saw that she had already dashed out.


“I know!” Yan Hua responded without looking back.


When she left the forest and reached the plain, she moved very quietly, fully displaying her Warrior like instinct.


The cow horned girl gently moved her feet, carefully approaching the sheep herd.


*Baa…* The sheep near the cow horned girl noticed her, raising their heads from grazing and slowly bleating.


They carefully examined the cow horned girl. The two sides stared at each other for several minutes, before the sheep lowered their heads and continued grazing, completely ignoring her presence.


Yan Hua was stunned by the sound, but felt relieved when the sheep stopped staring at her.


She continued cautiously approaching the herd, softly asking, “Hey, you’re not fierce, right?”


Su Bai smiled seeing this scene… not expecting this cute side of hers from her straightforward nature.


Sha Lan also covered her mouth and giggled. “Who asks questions like that? Sheep can’t talk.”


Yan Hua tilted her head, seeing the sheep continue to ignore her, and picked up Rolly who was by her feet.


She turned back, waving her hand, saying. “Shaman, they’re not fierce, we can approach them.”


Su Bai smiled and began approaching the sheep herd, with Ye Jiu immediately following behind, defensively gripping his combat knife.


Sha Lan was the first to reach the cow horned girl’s side, examining the sheep herd up close with a face full of curiosity.


[Looks like they’re like Earth’s sheep. They are very docile…] Su Bai commented in his mind.


“Shaman, what do we do?” Yan Hua scratched her head, “How do we make them obey us?”


Su Bai did not speak. He just slowly approached the nearest sheep, raising his right hand to begin the Taming Skill.


Instantly, pale blue light began emanating from his right hand. The blue light transformed into streams. Gradually, those light streams began enveloping the nearest sheep.


Yan Hua and the others watched in amazement, all holding their breath as they watched the Shaman’s actions, knowing he was performing a Shaman Technique.


A minute later, Su Bai slowly lowered his hand, watching the sheep he had just casted Taming on. He wanted to see its reaction.


*Baa~* The sheep called out softly, slowly turning its head toward Su Bai, lowering it slightly, inviting him to pet it.


Su Bai smiled. He reached out to pat the sheep’s head, saying. “It worked.”


He then continued casting his Taming Skill on other sheeps, planning to Tame about twenty to take back.


Pale blue light kept emanating from Su Bai’s hand as one sheep after another was Tamed.


Half an hour later, he had Tamed twenty-five sheeps in total, having rested several times as continuously casting the Taming Skill was exhausting.


He rotated his wrist, smiling. “Done! Exactly twenty-five sheep!”


Yan Hua and the others had not dared to speak until the Shaman spoke, only then could they relax.


“Shaman, are you done?” Yan Hua asked in disbelief, having only seen streams of pale blue light and sheeps lowering their heads for the Shaman to pet.


“Yes, it’s done. They’ll obediently follow us back now.” Su Bai nodded.


Yan Hua happily turned back, reaching out to touch the sheep, exclaiming in delight. “It feels so nice! Their fluffy hair is so soft!”


Su Bai added, “That fluffy hair is called wool. It’s very useful.”



| I Became The Chief Of A Primitive Village |

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