Humanity's Great Sage

Humanity’s Great Sage – Chapter 519, He Bing Must Die

Translator: TheBrokenPen Editor: Dhael Ligerkeys   Beastmasters were a crop of enigmatic and yet interesting Cultivators. Jiu Zhou’s very own breed of Beastmasters had strayed from the true essence of Beast Mastery by fixating on the acquisition and the taming and nurturing of Spirit Beasts to be used for battle while neglecting the cultivation of their own strength.

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Humanity's Great Sage

Humanity’s Great Sage – Chapter 516, A Sense of Exhilaration

Translator: TheBrokenPen Editor: Dhael Ligerkeys   Many within the Cloud River Battlefield chose to keep their faces masked to hide their identities. As ubiquitous as they were practical, masks, in all the varying designs and cost, were helpful in concealing identities, allowing many, especially in circumstances where transparency was unwise, to transform into faceless silhouettes that blended and vanished amongst the crowd to preserve their anonymity. 

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Humanity's Great Sage

Humanity’s Great Sage – Chapter 514, Trap Ward

Translator: TheBrokenPen Editor: Dhael Ligerkeys   Days went by with the trio of Lu Ye, Li Baxian, and Feng Yuechan complying strictly with the tactic of shifting to another location after a successful bushwhacking, reaping rewards almost every day from at least three to five hundred Carnage Points each time. The accumulation of Points this way showed how well the plan was working.

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