Rebuild World

Rebuild World – Chapter 270, An Unexpected Request

Translator: Athena13 Editor: Silavin Proofreader: p4553r   Latis and Pamela immediately understood that Sugadome was not joking. He was serious when he said that Chloe needed to die. Thus, both quickly readied their stance to protect their master. But they were too late. The moment they felt the compulsion to protect, Hammerz who was just standing next to Sugadome a moment ago, already had his hand on their faces.

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Rebuild World

Rebuild World – Chapter 269, Negotiation Within The Wall

Translator: Athena13 Editor: Silavin Proofreader: p4553r   After she had completed the inter-city transport escort request, Hikaru was staying out of trouble and led a rather peaceful life. Although she had the ambition and the arrogance of a gifted youth, after she had numerous near-death experiences working with a Hunter by the name of Akira, she had calmed down considerably. She continued to do her administrative tasks without flaw. Overall, she was doing extremely well…

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