Live Dungeon!

Live Dungeon! – Chapter 123, Clan Virgin

Translator: Barnnn Editor: Silavin   The day after Absolute Helix’s victory over the Fire Dragon, the team of five went around town giving interviews to news outlets. Diniel, Hannah, and Amira were used to his and gave out their responses as normal, while Daryl occasionally bit his tongue and fumbled his words out of nervousness… also as normal. Daryl had been covered by the news a few times before, but it seemed that he still…

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The Principle of a Philosopher by Eternal Fool “Asley”

The Principle of a Philosopher by Eternal Fool “Asley” – Chapter 123, Oh, My Students, How Far You Have Come (IV)

<<Previous Chapter Index Next Chapter>> Translator: Barnnn Editor: Anna Proofreader: Xemul   Tifa was now out of breath. Her MP was about to run out – any second now. Lina, on the other hand, was perfectly calm as she fended off Tifa attacks. Yeah… it’s more or less a wrap at this point.

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