Live Dungeon!

Live Dungeon! – Chapter 51, Disclosure of Information

<<Previous Chapter Index Next Chapter>> Translator: Barnnn Editor: Silavin   After the meeting with the young man called Daryl, whom Garm had introduced to him, Tsutomu went to send another set of his letters to the major Clans; this time, they included the details regarding the project and the remunerations it would entail. Then on the next day, he received replies from all three Clans confirming their choice to participate in the conference.

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Rebuild World

Rebuild World – Chapter 51, The Ability of The Hunters

<<Previous Chapter Index Next Chapter>> Translator: Athena13 Editor: Silavin Proofreader: p4553r   The wreckages that Elena thought to be just crumbled walls were actually Yarata Scorpions. Since it was a hallway that they had passed through once, she only made a quick scan of the area. If she had done that close enough, she would have noticed that they were monsters.

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